Saturday, August 1, 2009

In Celebration of Fred

On July 11, 2009, Fred O'Neill, a regular patron of and a dear friend to many at Java Jive, passed away at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto.

He was born August 8th, 1942 and was the only child of Mary (Lynk) and Peter O'Neill. He resided in Bridgeport, Glace Bay, and moved to Toronto in 2006. For much of his life, Fred dedicated his life to teaching and worked as a teacher and principal at Bridgeport School in Glace Bay for 35 years. He was instrumental in developing innovative educational programs to foster the full potential of all students.

On Saturday, August 1, a number of us gathered together for a celebration party on the patio to honour his life.

1 comment:

  1. Hello My Friends

    It"s Orphan Gordie , I"am just so Heartbroken
    to hear of Freds Passing , Fred was one of the most
    sweet , careing & generous friends , We have ever known
    his Family & Friends & Students is what Fred lived for
    He was truly one in a million , I"am realy going to miss
    Fred , we all are ! Orphan Gordie loved Fred
    love and miss u all ! May God be with his family & Friends
    RIP My buddy !
    Love , Orphan Gordie
