Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wireless Internet Returns

Last summer Java Jive had a multimedia screen, which was among several screens deployed throughout the downtown core to advertise our cafe and several other local businesses, and wireless Internet installed. This was a boon for the cafe because patrons would bring their laptops with them. Now, fast forward to early 2009. A few weeks ago the company which had installed this hardware came in one day and mysteriously took it all away. Being a regular customer of this cafe and someone who helps out from time to time at this cafe, I talked with the rep who had supervised the hardware installation last summer. He explained that the equipment would not likely be returned to the cafe. The company was apparently a victim of the current economic climate.

Last week I spoke with the owner of Java Jive, with whom I am well-acquainted, and convinced him about how important it was to the business to have wireless Internet back at the cafe. So on his behalf, I called Rogers (with whom he has their home phone service) and set up an appointment for Internet installation. At about 12 noon on Monday of this week, a Rogers technician visited Java Jive and performed the installation. Later that same day I visited the cafe and installed a wireless router so that patrons who did bring their laptops would be able to access the Internet.

Vive la Web!

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